43 sinónimos encontrados en 5 grupos
  1. 1
    Significado: almost
    about roughly approximately all but in round numbers generally nearly thereabouts
  1. 2
    Significado: amount
    nearly almost somewhat rather practically
    much all but about most
  2. 3
    Significado: quantity
    nearly almost somewhat rather practically
    most all but about much
  3. 4
    Significado: approximation
    almost about roughly approximately all but
    in round numbers generally thereabouts nearly
  4. 5
    Significado: nearly
    almost somewhat rather practically
    most much about all but

Sinónimos para all

50 sinónimos encontrados en 9 grupos

Sinónimos para but

45 sinónimos encontrados en 7 grupos

Palabras similares a all but

ᐅ Todos los sinónimos para all but | Significados y palabras similares

Sinónimos anteriores y posteriores a all but

  • align with
  • alignment
  • alike
  • aliment
  • alimentary
  • alimony
  • alive
  • alive with
  • alkaline
  • all
  • all but
  • all gone
  • all in all
  • all of
  • all the time
  • all told
  • all-inclusive
  • all-out
  • all-powerful
  • allay
  • allegation